The perfect light, the colors, many parts of this photo I was looking at clicked by a friend reached out to me touched me, pulling at me to want, to try capturing the same myself, to learn, to train. Soon a fire in the underbelly rose up urging me to master it.
Notice how certain visual stimulation, moves us, tugs us and opens our minds.
You hear your mum shouting at you, most of the time your ears seal shut. I’ve heard it so many times before, I know what’s coming next, let me just ignore her! But then I hear about how a friend got into an amazing college on submission of certain impressive projects, I get all the fine points from her and I dive into replicating the same.. “Work”, “Research” & “Study” and all of those things my mum nags me about.
Notice how sometimes the person, the voice and content of what one hears thrusts & spurs one into action.
I had been to a friend’s place a few months back, we played this activity where in, we were each blindfolded but one of us was without blindfolds and was instructed to communicate to us through touch but no words or sounds. Woah! Communication flew out the window! Communication its barrier and its drivers, Right then I watched it real time! And it was lodged in my brain for a long time.
Notice how an activity shoves the mind wide awake, how we grope for hidden information and then in that whoopee moment of pursuit all that information sinks in and is held in for good!
I had been to this newly opened café and the beverage mixer whips up something for us he then asks us to name the ingredients. Me and my friends dig into our neuron fire ups and try to retrieve familiar information relayed by our tongues. We were shooting out names of fruits but we struggled with one last ingredient, which one of my friends finally quips in – cinnamon ! We all turn to her and wildly admiringly nod our heads in agreement! We learned a new combination of tastes! The flavor of cinnamon though familiar now became distinct!
Notice how the tongue too courts with us in the invigorating process of implanting information deep in our memory.
Each of our senses, stimulates LEARNING , sometimes nudges or at other times violently rattles our minds open, to first receive and then, to be passionately loyal to it – knowledge.
Erudition is caressing us, begging us to pay heed, to allow it pervade us with its Joy and its absolute fascination!
The romance with learning I believe is inherent in every individual, we still feel tremors of wonder and awe in tandem with varied stimulants, to everything that’s novel or fresh to us, maybe ignored now …maybe even dormant now….. somewhere inside of us ….. Maybe because the word learning has been overused and abused till we resist it or close ourselves to it. Maybe because like any love affair which fades only because one has forgotten to infuse it with fun, with energy filled, amusing moments, we too have let slip the fact that our most loyal buddies, our senses make our courtship with learning interesting , amazing and just plain fun!
Let us allow ourselves to be carried away with the charms , follow the wooing of our senses.
Let’s begin this love affair again today…. with learning