According to facts it is discovered that fashion in global economy is net worth over 1 trillion pounds. To meet today’s needs we also have to keep a vision over the future needs that are sustainable fashion. Sustainable fashion is benefitting many class of the society especially labor class, farmers, women and daily wage workers. Fashion has a big impact on certain communities of the world which is not denied either way.
Fashion industries are and have to work on sustainable measure to run it to take care of climate and environment. We have to understand certain drawbacks of the ever increasing industry in order to protect ecological balance. As the industry is largest polluting industry in the world, is it possible to achieve zero waste fashion industry?
Fashion industry has to work in essential and sustainable way. Only thinking about zero waste is not a solution, although we have to look forward for how much we are consuming and manufacturing?
Some designers this year in London Fashion Week prohibited usage of animal fur on ramp, and have given more attention towards animal right preservation. Also certain companies like Adidas and GSRD have used ocean plastic, recycled it and used it to create textiles for shoes and other accessories. These are certain examples of sustainable fashion and it encourages many brands or industries to make best out of waste.
It is found that it takes almost 3000 liters of water to make 1 cotton t shirt. In fact we can keep using resources so much that there is no resource left.
Recycling of wastage is a big task today for the fashion industries and is finding ways for it. It has found that our shopping habits and consumer behavior is being very hazardous. Much waste is either burnt or landfilled and it is not a sustainable way to get rid of it. Desperately there is a need to change consumer shopping behavior and sustainable fashion business role model. However, industries have adopted new ways or methods of washing and dyeing which will produce zero pollution,
Environmental scientists and R&D departments have collaborated with big fashion brands to develop new sustainable fashion business. Recycling and redesigning fibers and micro fibers are majorly accepted technology in many industries. Some companies have also experimented like leather made from grape and orange skins to stop animal cruelty.
How difficult is it to change consumer behavior?
Fashion is your individuality and personality and it is very difficult to change. Fashion is always celebrated by the consumers, so it can’t be stopped!
Once there is awareness created by the designers and brands slowly consumers will understand if and but of its shopping behavior. Many consumers have started changing as they got aware about topics like pollution, animal cruelty, etc. just like they get aware about new product launches. This changes their behavior towards shopping.
Awareness is digestible and visually compelling way is must for the consumer. It should not be about making them feel guilty. A controlled way of growth is must for fashion business otherwise by 2050 we will be facing problems like water scarcity, climatic changes and land usage challenges.
Many practices, policies and experiments are procured by researchers to develop and aware fashion industry sustainably. Sooner by next three decades it is expected to see many big changes over supply chain of the industry and consumer behavior.