In incredible India, the prominent fest like Diwali arrives a month before it’s aboriginal date. Isn’t it? Housewives apart from their regular chores get highly engaged in cleaning their dwellings where every corner ultimately looks as shimmering as fairyland, children initiate fabricating wild plans and pranks for their amigos by purchasing the most out bursting and noisy crackers and google seems to be over flooded by the searches of latest Rangoli designs and related stuff. Diwali is a festival that fills people of every age group with extra zeal and zest. It is a festival full of joy and happiness all around.
As we all are aware that Diwali is celebrated as Lord Rama; the symbol of goodness returned back to Ayodhya after a duration of 14 years by assassinating Ravana who was viewed as symbol of evil. It is basically a win of good over evil.Years passed but people never fail to celebrate it. Usually, people forget things very easily. Be it house keys, passwords of cell phones or the content that you read recently. But this isn’t the case with Diwali. Have you ever thought of it why is it so? Generations changed, lifestyles modified yet Diwali celebrations and excitements are always the same. It is because this big festival holds a mega message within it.
Diwali on a broader sense is about moving on and following your heart. It’s about cleaning your elongated mind webs, bursting the evils like jealousy, hatred, comparison that are unnecessarily dominating and joining hands to pray selflessly for others without putting any extra demands. It teaches us to follow what our heart feels instead of imitating others. It preaches to kill all the fears existing within you and compels to follow you passion, your interest. No matter how many denials you have faced, no matter how many times you failed. It’s a time to rejuvenate, revive and re- evaluate selves. In case,If you haven’t known your interests yet know it now. It’s the most appropriate time.
Diwali is about enlightening souls. Like the Diyas, we need to enlighten our soul too. And till the last breathe keep on struggling until and unless we spread the light . In India even after so much of lavishness , thoughts are still narrow. If a child opts for Medical, Engineering or Chartered Accountancy then he is beholden as supreme. But if the same child goes for some less prominent but flourishing courses like Interior Designing, fashion designing he is given less importance or being viewed as someone who has less knowledge.And due to this reasons we are still a developing country.
Education is not only about books. It’s an art . But sadly, many institutes have forgotten it. Education is all about continuous learning. It’s about developing curiosity. It’s not about killing creativity. We all have weaknesses but then we have strengths too. Even after being the most powerful, Ravana got defeated. Use yourself in the right manner. Otherwise rest are eagerly waiting to use you. Don’t let overconfidence demean you. Don’t allow less confidence undermine you. Have patience! Lord Rama even after being the king left his kingdom peacefully without any regrets in his mind. Know what you deserve and starve for it. Make the darkness of night your companion and shine as bright as Sun.
Life is a combo of denials and success. But without putting efforts nothing turns out to be feasible. Know your interest. Go ahead. Work really hard for it without thinking of output. Like Lord Rama, be determined, be very precise about your goal. Accept whatever comes on your way but never compromise with the talent hidden in you. Every child is unique. Each one of us carry immense potential.It’s not about the past, it’s about the present and utilizing it in the best possible manner.
Every success story contains a lot of obstacles. Eventually obstacles make any story a big hit. Crucial is to follow your heart and to never give up. Beginnings are usually hard for people who choose their interests. Like in case of Lord Rama after he left his kingdom everything turned out to be extremely difficult. But later things changed and matters got resolved. Similar are our lives. Beginnings are very hard but with the passage of time , hard work and determinations makes things easier and adaptable.
It’s not at all important to imitate what’s trending. But it’s very essential to do something that comforts us as well as something that challenges us. You are a festival in yourself. You have to struggle, fight and achieve everything that you find apt. Leave a strong message in the world. You were not born to die. Although ultimate ending is death. But in mid comes the whole life. Do something that future generations can thank you for. But for taking every big step it’s very important to take small steps to know yourself, understand and then direct yourself accordingly.
Design yourself just like the flame of diya which every seconds ensure to spread as much as light it can. Even after the flickers off, end up by leaving smile on the faces which surround you.
Be humble Like Lord Rama. And develop powers like Lord Ravana. But utilize it rightly. Right things will definitely happen to you if you initiate taking the right path. Don’t be the part of herd. Be yourself. Be the change you want to see in yourself.
Make this Diwali a life changing experience. Don’t let this change erode in two or 3 days. Make it permanent. Be precautions about every change you are doing in life. Let the crackers burst inside you and create noise instead of polluting the environment. Allow the birds to celebrate your success freely, do not disturb them by the extra loud sound of crackers. This Diwali along with your rooms do not forgot to clean the inner dust which is being accumulated from years. It’s good to be messed up with clothes, but abort messing up with your life anymore. Start loving yourself just like you do to your beloveds.
Happy Diwali !