
Mr. Manish Jain

Mr. Manish Jain


    Courses / Streams

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    Mr. Manish Jain

    HOD – CS/IT

    Academic, Professional Qualifications & Experience :

    Over 10 years of experience in the industry, Mr. Manish Jain has an extensive experience – 3 years GRC, 2 years in Foundation Software at SEEPZ Mumbai, 7 years working experience with Bluechip and over 5 years association with Virtual Voyage College.

    "A pioneer of vocational training in Central India. This is a really unique platform for young generation to learn realistic and 21st century vocational education in a very happening environment. Fantastic campus with amazing resources and a very committed faculty. Especially impressed by the depth and range of the courses offered here. Virtual Voyage College Indore is the best college as it has the best vocational courses & the best infrastructure in entire of Central India, proud to be a part of Virtual Voyage College."