
M.A. in English Literature

M.A. in English Literature

M.A in English literature is an arts master program in the English literature.

It refers to the study of contexts from around the world, written in the English language. A students pursuing English Literature major will likely study texts including poetry, drama, and prose fiction, perhaps briefly covering more contested forms of literature in their chosen path.English Literature is the study of texts from around the world, written in the English language.

A candidate of this master program will learn how to analyze a multitude of texts and write clearly using several different styles. Literature refers to different types of text including novels, non-fiction, poetry, and plays, etc. Literature is generally defined as writing with artistic touch. There are also other types of text such as screenplays, nonfiction, song lyrics, and online communication through blogs and other means, could now be considered literature under the contemporary understanding of the now larger term.


    Courses / Streams

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    PG Course

    M.A. in English Literature – 2 Years

    Eligibility:- Graduation (Any Subject/ Discipline)

    *For More Details You can Call/SMS/Whatsapp @ 8462006400