
Animation & Visual Effects Student Testimonials

Animation & Visual Effects Student Testimonials


    Courses / Streams

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    "I’m the kind of person who gets bored really easily. When choosing a career came up, I sat down and introspected as to what I could do for the next 40 years of my life without getting bored. Then I just knew it. I knew I couldn’t do anything other than animation. I realized I was right!"


    "Virtual Voyage College. It is an excellent college, where we can do our creative activities with complete freedom and we are given practical exposure."

    Yathart Bhawsar

    "It's the animation college made me who I am today and special hats off to animation teacher of Virtual Voyage Mr. Mayank Nagore sir who taught us with full off dramatic enjoyment."

    Shubham Patidar

    "Great institute, Nice courses for various fields of interest of students. Teachers are good, teaching methods are good, great student teacher interaction helps students to gain vast knowledge great experience."

    Osho Kumar

    "Virtual Voyage gives you much more than a degree. It provides a platform that can help you live all your dreams."

    Pranjal Vashishtha

    "Virtual Voyage is the place where I got to learn new things daily as the faculty over here have always been round the clock to help everyone. It provided an environment where everyone can learn and grow. The learning never ends here. I have learnt a lot in my tenure of being a Voyager."

    Arpit Baghela

    "वर्ष 2007 मे मैं खरगोन शहर से स्नातकोत्तर की पढ़ाई करने के एक सपना लेकर इंदौर आया था. मुझे कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राममिंग द्वारा साउंड एवं विडियो एडिटींग तथा मास कम्युनिकेशन खास तौर पर टेलिविजन चेनल के लिये सिखना था. बहुत जगह घुमने के बाद भी कही सफल न हुआ. फिर मेरी मुलाकात हमारे निमाड़ के ही कसरावद के रहने वाले अभय जैन सर से हुई, उनसे बात करके लगा मुझे मेरी मंजिल मिल ही गई. उनके व उनकी टीम के मार्गदर्शन मे न केवल मिडिया अपितु कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर अंग्रेजी सिखने से लेकर आज व्यापारिक तौर पर भी आज हम सभी रुप से सक्षम है. आज मैं गर्व से कहना चाहता हूँ कि हम VIRTUAL VOYAGE की प्रथम बेच के विधार्थी हैं."

    Pravin Patidar

    "Firstly I want to thanks to the college, as it is best college ever, which provides courses such as web design, animation, multi media, acting. Next to the faculty because they always keep working hand with the student and help us be working efficiently. Today I feel very proud to be the part of virtual voyage."

    Kapil Rathod

    "I am a student of animation in this college and I am very glade to be a part of it. The colleges literally goes with the name virtual voyage [way to dream comes true] and yes it happen and for all that I thanks from the core of my heart to the faculties and principal mam, hod mam for scheduling and specially to our faculties for co-operating with student and for their friendly behavior."

    Yash Jain

    "I want to say that this college is awesome, with so many opportunities to explore our talent. I feel so lucky that I took admission in this college. There is very high experienced and talented faculty."

    Mitali Jain

    "I can positively say virtual voyage has made me better person. It has helped me to develop a positive attitude towards my studies and discover more about myself. Teachers are very caring and interested students well being. They make sure every class is fun, educational and interactive. The uniqueness of this college is the courses it has virtual voyage is delight to me."

    Priya Shukla

    "I think the facilities, entertainment and the resources here are much better than the other college. I fell more as home here. I love the friendly atmosphere and teachers are really close to the students. Thanks a lot virtual voyage for all the supports. "

    Bhola Prajapati

    "It is the best college I have seen in my life. I think this is the best college for people who certainly want to do something extraordinary. The entire mentors of the college are really good. The special things about this college is it very well and positive environment. Thanks a lot vv for this wonderful platform."

    Ashish Kumar

    "A place with amazing atmosphere for creative people to flourish utilizing the freedom and support provided by the faculties with weekly workshops and interactive sessions aimed at building our personality all around to make us industry ready. Teachers encourage students and go out of their way to help student explore their creative capability and excel at what they do best."

    Happy Kanhaiya Khandelwal