When you are in India the ultimate goal of life is a ‘Sarkari Job’ !
Being a Sarakari Babu is like being a Demigod & your pass to the kingdom of Demigods, free from the burden of normal human beings. Being in this position you are bestowed with Power to change the world, help the needy & have liberty to act. This kingdom (given the right decisions & values) gives you leverages like infinite sources of prosperity,social might & saves you from the turmoils outside, be it the vengeful recession or rising interest rates decide to reach for Everest. Eventually your unchecked Power may intoxicates you & make you lose your grounds, you may muffle ignorance! Ironically the kingdom still remains accountable for well being & welfare of general public. But it is completely a different story. The only other godly profession being Medicine, wherein you are God for many.
This blog is for our introspection, inquest of self! It is to ask you, given a chance if you get the privileges of being a public bureaucrats & a world on your footsteps- will you ever let go the opportunity?
And if you are a Doctor & a Top Bureaucrat, I doubt you will leave it for the world!
But apparently I am wrong. We need change & change is inevitable. When society witnesses incredible phenomenon like Roman Saini., I am filled with Euphoria. Mr. Roman Saini who has resigned from the post of Deputy Collector,Jabalpur also MBBS; chose to leave the system to guide that change. It may sound strange but for the system to change, nation needs flow of young thoughts, vigour & fresh values. Roman ji is the new wave of change in the system, only leaving it for good! He chose to leave so many others like him can join the system. He left his luxuries to become a e-tutor for students preparing for government exams. Creating an easily accessible resource for everyone. His decision have shocked many including his family. But considering the urgent need for people to work for their passion his choices (First leaving medicine for bureaucracy & later leaving it all behind to be a e-tutor) now seem idyllic, inspiring & natural.
I applaud people who dare to think different, challenge status quo & re-invent themselves.
I have been encouraging students to make informed choices, according to their inclinations & capabilities. And people like Roman Saini can be their guiding lights.
At last I would like to quote Hermann Hesse, in Siddhartha
“When someone seeks,” said Siddhartha, “then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.”
P.S.- Here I am sharing full story on Roman Saini appeared in The Times of India