The Bad Café is designed by NUDE founder Nuru Karim in collaboration with bad café owners Amit & Bhavna Dhanani.
The exterior of the cafe shows off “impressive “feel of skin and consists of 25,992 black cylindrical conduits grafted into CNC’d aluminum composite box panels completely obscure the exterior of the building, creating a mesmerizing, almost organic skin over the café.
The various ways the human body interacts and perceives the world around it is what NUDE’s perforated design mimics ; through all sense organs like tastebuds, hair, fingertips and so on. Black and white theme is continued inside, with a calming effect. The bad café extends over three levels and is home to a yoga studio, café, retail space and open terrace courtyard
The architectural program was designed to facilitate cultural event spaces for music, art, yoga, performances and more .